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« We share with them 98% of our genetic code,
thus making us all members of the one same family » !

« In the last 50 years, 70 % of the big apes population has disappeared,
it is vital we act now! »

After having supported the International Union for the Conservation of Nature (IUCN) via the Save Our Species (SOS) initiative, and the Foundation for Nature and Mankind’s Rajako program, Coq en Pâte has pledged to help finance the Projet pour la Conservation des Grands Singes (or Big Apes Conservation Project), lead by internationally renown French primatologist Sabrina Krief.

The new Summer 2019 collection, “We Are Family”,
aims to raise awareness of the need to respect the biodiversity and population of the big apes, and to work towards their conservation.
All these primates, without exception, are threatened with extinction primarily due to anthropogenic activities (poaching, deforestation…)..


This capsule collection, made from GOTS certified organic cotton, comprises about thirty pieces: t-shirts, bodysuits, bags, pouches, purses, hats and an XXL family basket. These items are stamped with the logo “We Are Family” and a drawing of one of five primates : gorilla, orangutan, mandrill, gibbon and chimpanzee.  

Click on the animals to find out more about each specie!

The collection aims to portray day-to-day activities of these big apes through representations of learning, fun, tenderness and care ; as many social and affectionate behaviors, which are so similar to our own…


Coq en Pâte pledges to contribute for 3 years towards salaries of antipoaching teams and local educational programs, in particular those aimed at teaching children.


Sabrina Krief is a veterinarian, primatologist, and professor at the Natural History National Museum. For over 20 years, Sabrina’s research has been centered around Sebitoli’s chimpanzees, in the Kibale national park in Uganda. Prompted by the fall in big apes populations, and the threats to their remaining numbers, she and husband photographer Jean-Michel Krief founded in 2006 the organisation Projet pour la Conservation des Grands Singes (Big Apes Conservation Project), which works locally with communities and farmers to reduce poaching and conflicts between humans and the local fauna.

Her leitmotiv ?

To alert all of us to the dangers for Humanity created by the disappearance for big apes, by surrounding herself with personalities such as actress Nathalie Baye, basketball player Boris Diaw or chocolatier and sculptor Patrick Roger..

You can learn more on


Coq en Pâte is a French clothing and accessories brand for babies and kids which places ethics in the heart of all creative processes. Coq en Pâte is a great concept store to find eco-friendly and original gift ideas!


Coq en Pâte are supporting NGOs, scientists and associations devoted to wildlife conservation, in France and abroad.


Coq en Pâte finances programs aimed at educating and engaging children in wildlife conservation.


Our textile pieces are made of organic cotton in India in workshops whose manufacturing processes are certified, the stationery and outdoor games are made in France, in Brittany itself, from eco-materials or recycled materials.

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