I have long horns and a bushy coat, and my two layers allow me to live in extremely cold conditions! I am a massive animal 2m high and weighing 1 ton on average, but that does not prevent me from being an excellent climber, going up mountains and crossing plains. I live in Central Asia in cold habitat, especially in northern Tibet and China. I particularly enjoy wide open spaces like plains and hills, where I can eat the grass and lichen that grows there.
My species is classified as “vulnerable”. Nowadays we are often domesticated by humans, and used for agricultural work, transport or meat. Like many animals, we are also suffering from global warming which threatens our way of life and degrades our pastures.
6,00 € 15,00 €
6,00 € 15,00 €
Coq en Pâte is a French clothing and accessories brand for babies and kids which places ethics in the heart of all creative processes. Coq en Pâte is a great concept store to find eco-friendly and original gift ideas!
Coq en Pâte are supporting NGOs, scientists and associations devoted to wildlife conservation, in France and abroad.
Coq en Pâte finances programs aimed at educating and engaging children in wildlife conservation.
Our textile pieces are made of organic cotton in India in workshops whose manufacturing processes are certified, the stationery and outdoor games are made in France, in Brittany itself, from eco-materials or recycled materials.