As my name suggests, I’m known for being… lazy. I spend most of my time hanging from my tree (hence the usefulness of having big claws) and I sleep a lot, 10 hours a day on average. I move from branch to branch at a very slow speed, no faster than 2.5 metres per minute. But I'm smart, if I walk slowly it's so as not to be spotted by my predators: the jaguar, the harpy eagle and the ocelot.
You can find me in all types of forests in Central and South America. I am a true vegetarian and basically only eat leaves and sometimes fruit, sap and buds.
Our species is vulnerable, threatened even. We too are victims of global warming and deforestation which forces us to migrate, something very difficult at our slow pace. I am also at risk of being illegally captured for my fur or to be sold on the black market where I risk being used as a pet.
15,50 €
13,50 € 22,50 €
5,00 €
6,00 € 15,00 €
15,00 €
Coq en Pâte is a French clothing and accessories brand for babies and kids which places ethics in the heart of all creative processes. Coq en Pâte is a great concept store to find eco-friendly and original gift ideas!
Coq en Pâte are supporting NGOs, scientists and associations devoted to wildlife conservation, in France and abroad.
Coq en Pâte finances programs aimed at educating and engaging children in wildlife conservation.
Our textile pieces are made of organic cotton in India in workshops whose manufacturing processes are certified, the stationery and outdoor games are made in France, in Brittany itself, from eco-materials or recycled materials.